Ready or Not (2019)
Director: Matt Bettinelli-Olpin, Tyler Gillett
Starring: Samara Weaving, Adam Brody, Mark O’Brien, Elyse Levesque
Primary genre: Horror
Secondary genre: Comedy
“Ready or Not” was the gig which handed Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett the creative reigns of the “Scream” (1996-2023) franchise after Wes Craven passed away (for better or worse). Their fourth film is a small scale horror comedy that utilizes an initially brilliant idea to generate a solid and engaging tale of revenge. Gifted by a brilliant performance from Samara Weaving who imbues Grace with honest vulnerability and likeability away from the girl boss tropes of the late noughties, “Ready or Not” becomes quite dark and funny quite fast.
We know what is coming - especially if you have seen the trailer - so when the manhunt (or bridehunt in this case) begins, you can’t help but laugh at all the ludicrous things which Grace is being put through. The script by Guy Busick and R. Christopher Murphy pays homage to the cult horror classic “Evil Dead” (1982) by having Grace serving as a female Ash enduring a number of wounds, traumas, skirmishes and psychological violence that flirts with Looney Tunes antics.
“Fuck your family!”
While the movie is certainly lacking tension due to the buffoonery (or borderline stereotypical depiction) of old school aristocrats, Busick and Murphy do not waste time to have a few zingers here and there including a lighthearted social commentary about how money does not indeed make the man. Blending together both a naive protagonist and airhead antagonists who have no idea what they are doing into an arena with the looks of a large mansion (almost a character itself) leads to some hilarious outcomes. Although they do not break new ground, they are guaranteed to induce laughter at the expense of suspense and terror. Yet, that does not mean they forget how to write a memorable lead who is given a surprising amount of depth. An orphan who seeks to have a family of her own with an apathy towards elitistic lifestyle, she bears a highly adaptable personality in social situations and is more alive than those idiotic buffoons who are willing to sell their soul away for money.
Speaking of the antagonists, the cast is having a ball, each one hiding their own issues and insecurities under the mask of rich and spoiled individuals who are not as one-dimensional as you would think, particularly Andie MacDowell as the backhanding complementing matriarch. So when the tables turn around, you can feel nothing but joy at the villains’ incompetence and comeuppance; the actors clearly selling well their delusional on screen personalities before their final moments. There are some subversive stuff here including the use of child actors but several nuanced details such as Grace not being denigrated to an one-liner machine, retaining her femininity and most importantly, her character traits (e.g., smoking) will win over traditional moviegoers (“Give them hell!“).
“Ready or Not” might but the most intelligent horror comedy out there and it is certainly does not feature a truly standout sequence or shot. It is competently made though, boasts charismatic performances and does not insult your intelligence. Gleeful when it is heading towards the final resolution, “Ready or Not“ guarantees you a great time alone or with a group of friends.
Subversive, funny and entertaining
+Great premise
+Samara Weaving nails it
+Andie MacDowell
+Finale scores high in originality
-Not scary or tense
-Maybe too cartoony for horror purists